但是刷回hiveos必须还得解决一个问题:中转。我用的是广西移动宽带,直连经常丢包,肯定会影响到挖矿效率,必须得走中转。之前研究过几天没找到好的方法。在拆解官方提供的hiveos锄头压缩包( https://github.com/qubic-li/hiveos/releases/download/v1.8.10/qubminer-1.8.10.tar.gz )后,发现h-run.sh脚本中,有执行 ./qli-Client 的命令,那我是不是可以直接使用proxychains4来让它通过中转来运行这个程序?于是我直接在脚本里所有./qli-Client的前面都加上了proxychains4(当然前提是先安装好),文件如下:
# Check ts
if ! command -v ts &> /dev/null; then
echo "Program ts (moreutils) - not installed. ts is required. Install:"
# Because HiveOS crashed during the installation of moreutils, I have to install the 'ts' utility from its sources.
cd /tmp/ && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Worm/moreutils/master/ts && mv ts /usr/local/bin && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/ts
#sudo sed -i '/^deb http:\/\/[a-z]*\.*archive\.ubuntu\.com\/ubuntu\ jammy\ [a-zA-Z0-9]*$/d' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt update && apt install moreutils -y
echo "Program ts (moreutils) - has been installed."
#copy qli-Client to CPU directory and run for CPU, then to GPU directory and run for GPU
cp ./qli-Client ./cpu/
cp ./qli-Client ./gpu/
sleep 4
# Check if both ./cpu/appsettings.json and ./gpu/appsettings.json exist
if [[ -e ./cpu/appsettings.json && -e ./gpu/appsettings.json ]]; then
# If both files exist, run the program for CPU first, then for GPU
cd ./gpu/
proxychains4 ./qli-Client | ts GPU | tee --append $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log &
sleep 2
cd ../cpu/
proxychains4 ./qli-Client | ts CPU | tee --append $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log
# Check if only ./cpu/appsettings.json exists
elif [[ -e ./cpu/appsettings.json ]]; then
# If the file exists only in ./cpu/, run the program for CPU
cd ./cpu/
proxychains4 ./qli-Client | ts CPU | tee --append $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log
# Check if only ./gpu/appsettings.json exists
elif [[ -e ./gpu/appsettings.json ]]; then
# If the file exists only in ./gpu/, run the program for GPU
cd ./gpu/
proxychains4 ./qli-Client | ts GPU | tee --append $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log
# If neither file exists, display an error message and exit
echo "ERROR: No CPU and GPU config file found, exiting"
exit 1